Australia Immigration

Skilled independent visa- subclass 189

What is Visa 189?

The Subclass 189 visa is a highly sought-after visa category under the Australian General Skilled Migration (GSM) program. It is designed for skilled workers who have the qualifications and experience to contribute to Australia’s economy and fill skill shortages in the country. The Subclass 189 visa is a points-tested visa and provides permanent residency in Australia. Here’s an overview of the Subclass 189 visa:

What are the requirements for subclass 189?

Skilled independent visa- subclass 189
  1. Nominated Occupation: You must nominate an occupation that is on the relevant Skilled Occupation List (SOL) for the subclass 189 visa. The SOL is updated regularly and includes occupations in demand in Australia.
  1. Skills Assessment: You must obtain a positive skills assessment for your nominated occupation from the relevant assessing authority in Australia. Your credentials, work history, and abilities will be assessed by the evaluating authority to make sure they align with the demands of your chosen occupation.
  1. Points Test: You must score a minimum of 65 points on the Points Test. Points are given based on factors such as your age, English language proficiency, work experience, educational qualifications, and other relevant criteria. Higher points increase your chances of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for the subclass 189 visa.
  1. Expression of Interest (EOI): Before applying for the subclass 189 visa, you need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through the SkillSelect system. The EOI provides information about your skills, qualifications, and other relevant details. It allows the Australian government to determine your eligibility while also demonstrating your interest in applying for the visa.
  2. Invitation to Apply (ITA): Based on your points score and the demand for your nominated occupation, you may receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for the subclass 189 visa. Invitations are typically issued in regular invitation rounds conducted by the Department of Home Affairs.
  1. Age Requirement: You must be under the age of 45 at the time of receiving the ITA for the subclass 189 visa.
  1. English Language Proficiency: You must demonstrate English language proficiency by undertaking an approved English language test such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Occupational English Test (OET), Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-based test (TOEFL iBT), or Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic.
  1. Health and Character Requirements: You and your family members included in the visa application must meet the health and character requirements set by the Australian government. This includes undergoing medical examinations to prove good health and obtaining police clearances to demonstrate good character.
  1. Nomination by State or Territory Government (Not Required): Unlike other skilled visa categories, the subclass 189 visa does not require nomination by a state or territory government.

The subclass 189 visa operates on a points-based system, and applicants with higher points have a higher chance of receiving an ITA. To make sure you complete all the criteria and increase your chances of a successful application, it is important to get expert guidance from GIEC GLOBAL Sri Lanka, we are the certified migration agency or immigration consultant in Sri Lanka.


Skilled independent visa- subclass 189

Advantages of a Subclass 189 Visa

The Subclass 189 visa offers multiple advantages to skilled individuals who wish to live and work permanently in Australia. Here are some key advantages of the Subclass 189 visa:

  1. Independent Permanent Residency: There is no need for an employer, state or territory government, or family member to sponsor you for a Subclass 189 visa because it is a stand-alone category of visa. This indicates that candidates are not bound to a particular job or region and are free to live and work anywhere in Australia.
  1. Flexibility and Freedom: As a Subclass 189 visa holder, you have the flexibility to pursue employment opportunities that align with your skills and interests. You can change jobs, industries, or even start your own business without the need for additional sponsorship or visa conditions.
  1. Unlimited Work Rights: The Subclass 189 visa grants you unlimited work rights in Australia. You are not restricted to a specific employer or occupation, allowing you to explore different career opportunities and maximize your potential in the Australian job market.
  1. Access to Social Security and Healthcare: As a permanent resident, you have access to social security benefits provided by the Australian government. This includes access to Medicare, Australia’s public healthcare system, which provides subsidized medical services and treatments.
  1. Education Opportunities: Subclass 189 visa holders have access to educational opportunities in Australia. You can enroll in Australian educational institutions at domestic student rates, which are generally lower than international student fees. This allows you to pursue further education or enhance your skills to advance your career prospects.
  1. Pathway to Australian Citizenship: After meeting the eligibility requirements, Subclass 189 visa holders may have the opportunity to apply for Australian citizenship. Additional rights and benefits that come with becoming an Australian citizen include the opportunity to apply for an Australian passport, the right to vote in Australian elections, and access to consular services abroad.
  1. Sponsorship Flexibility: As a Subclass 189 visa holder, you are not required to secure sponsorship from an employer or state/territory government to remain in Australia. This thing will gives you the freedom to choose your own career path and pursue opportunities based on your preferences and goals.
  1. Access to Social Services: Subclass 189 visa holders have access to a range of social services and benefits in Australia. This includes access to public housing, welfare assistance, and support programs designed to assist individuals and families in need.
  1. Travel Opportunities: The Subclass 189 visa allows you to travel in and out of Australia without restrictions during the initial visa grant period. Additionally, after meeting the residency requirements, you can apply for an Australian passport, which provides visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to many countries around the world.
  1. Sponsor Eligible Family Members: As a Subclass 189 visa holder, you have the ability to sponsor eligible family members for permanent residency in Australia. This allows your immediate family members to join you and enjoy the benefits of living in Australia.

The Subclass 189 visa provides skilled individuals with a pathway to permanent residency in Australia, offering a wide range of advantages and opportunities. It is important to carefully review the eligibility requirements and seek professional guidance to ensure a smooth and successful application process.

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